негодяй и извращенец (С)
... или не совсем на нем.

Позже - перевод с комментариями.

Узнаю, как это - учить игре, которую сам знаю только по правилам, а не на опыте.

Надо же хоть когда-нибудь учиться.

Rules of Senet

*Senet is a two-player board game. Each player uses 5 game pieces of different designs or colour. The object of the game is to get all of your pieces off of the board and stop your opponent from doing the same.

*The board is made up of 30 squares. At the start of the game, all pieces are placed on squares 1-10, scarabs on even squares, suns on odd squares.

*Dice sticks are used for scoring. Throw the sticks in the air and count the number of blue sides facing up and the number of yellow. The moves you can make are: 1 yellow = 1move, 2 yellow = 2moves etc. and 4 blues = 6 moves.

*The first person to score a 1 goes first and therefore uses the scarab pieces. The first move is always from square 10 to square 11. Then the moves are of your own accord. Your turn lasts as long as you throw a 1, 4, or 6. If you throw a 2, or 3 you make that move and give the dice sticks to the other player. They must move first from square 9 to square 10.

*There are many dangers in this board game. If your piece lands on a square occupied by your opponenet, or vice-versa, the pieces switch places. It is a good idea to group your pieces together, because two pieces of the same colour on squares side-by-side cannot be switched. A "block" is formed by 3 pieces side-by-side. An opponents piece cannot pass a block, but your piece can. A piece must move forward if possible - even onto square 27 (explained later). If all pieces are blocked, they must move backwards. If you cannot move at all, you miss a turn.

*Squares 26, 28, and 29 are safe squares, because no piece can switch places with you on them. If you opponent lands on a safe square that you occupy, they move back a space and use the extra move on another piece.

*Square 27 is a water trap. If your piece lands on it, it must move back to square 15. If that is occupied, the piece must start over.

*Square 30 is the last one, but all pieces must move off the board for you to win. If you throw a higher number than needed, use the extra moves on another piece. You may not move any pieces off the board unless all your pieces are off the first 10 squares.

@темы: Для памяти